The Goal

Operating in a crowded space, our client in the AI presentation software space aimed to earn organic SEO rankings and traffic among the strong competition in the space. They wanted to ensure that this traffic was earned through non-branded keywords.

The Strategy

We approached this goal with three tactics, all aimed at improving their visibility organically through developing and optimizing content and resources that our client’s target customers would find helpful.

Tactic 1: Grow non-branded search traffic to the website by creating resources that would be helpful to our client’s target customers.

Tactic 2: Build website strength for our client with data-driven thought leadership.

Tactic 3: Grow our client’s blog traffic by creating and optimizing top-of-funnel topics to build brand awareness. We focused on enterprise-relevant topics around presentation creation and collaboration to increase brand authority to support a shift toward an enterprise audience.

The Results

Our approach drove significant growth year over year. Specifically, our strategy of creating resources to grow non-branded organic search traffic resulted in a 7,672% increase in the first year, a 637% increase in the second year, and a 56% increase in the third year.

Our tactic to build Ahrefs Website Domain Strength resulted in rating increases of 22% in the first year, 18% in the second year, and 9% in the third year.

Our client’s blog traffic increased by 152% in year one, 89% in year two, and 162% in year three.

The Takeaways

  • High organic growth can be achieved over time with a customized strategic SEO strategy. While many paid and organic tactics can increase traffic, strong year-over-year growth requires a multi-faceted, dedicated approach that’s targeted at the right audience.
  • Resilient SEO goes after both highly searched, highly commercially-relevant head terms and long-tail terms that are more specialized.
  • Ranking competitively for terms is less about just keywords or just content and more about understanding those terms as topics and establishing the brand as an authority on those topics.
  • Continually updating important pages on the site is a big factor in maintaining long-term SEO success.