With streaming TV continuing to rise as a major advertising medium, we’ve been implementing QR codes in CTV ads for many of our clients in the lead generation, direct-to-consumer, and app-based industries. QR codes offer brands across all industries an effective means of driving user engagement and achieving specific campaign objectives. However, a well-built connected TV advertising strategy that leverages QR codes requires more than just adding the code to your ad and driving traffic to your website.

Best Practices

Building Custom Landing Pages for Consistency

There’s more to it than simply directing traffic to your website. We see the most success by working with our Landing Page Optimization team to build custom landing pages to serve as the bridge between the ad and the desired action or engagement, with consistent messaging from the ad through to the landing page to enhance the user experience and maximize conversions.

Continuous Testing and Optimization

To maximize the effectiveness of connected TV advertising campaigns using QR codes, it is essential to continually test and optimize various creative elements and landing page templates and attributes. This iterative approach allows for constant improvement and the ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.

The Role of Ad Duration

While longer ads have been observed to have a lower average cost per scan (longer time on screen makes it easier to scan), we still recommended running 30-second ads in addition to 60-second spots. The majority of connected TV inventory consists of 30-second ads and certain streaming services may not accept 60-second spots. By diversifying ad duration, advertisers can ensure maximum reach and engagement across various platforms.

Why QR Codes Work

TV is still one of the largest and most successful ad platforms. QR codes bridge the gap between “offline” and digital, where conversions happen.


QR codes offer a convenient and user-friendly way for viewers to engage with ads. Since users don’t need to remember or manually type in URLs, it’s much easier for them to take action. QR codes can also be scanned and saved for later use, facilitating future interactions.

Seamless Integration with Second Screens

Connected TV viewers often engage with their mobile devices simultaneously, providing a perfect opportunity for QR code integration. Research by Nielsen and Connected Life reveals that 84% of US viewers use a second screen, such as a phone or tablet while watching TV.

Personalization and Brand Consistency

QR codes can be customized to align with a brand's visual identity. By matching color schemes and overlaying brand logos, advertisers can maintain brand consistency and reinforce brand recognition. This personal touch enhances the user experience and helps establish a stronger connection with the audience.

Tracking and Analysis

QR codes transform TV ads into clickable media formats, enabling precise tracking of user engagement. By utilizing UTM tracking, advertisers can gather valuable data that can be analyzed using tools like Google Analytics.

The Bottom Line

The convenience, personalization, and tracking of QR codes increase direct response for brands across industries. A well-planned connected TV advertising strategy leverages landing page optimization tactics and creative testing can drive even stronger results.