The concept of “last mile conversion” may not be a commonly used term in your organization, but it is a crucial one. This term refers to the final step or touchpoint in the customer journey that leads to the desired action or conversion of the customer...(making a purchase, signing up for a service, or filling out a form).

The last mile conversion is a pivotal moment, as this is the moment when a prospect goes from simply holding an interest in your product or service to taking the desired action that your company needs. It can suggest that your various marketing efforts and campaigns are working seamlessly together to convert your prospect: all preceding stages of the customer journey converge into the ideal outcome.

There are many factors and marketing tactics that can impact the state of your last-mile conversions. For example, SEO and CRO play a big part. SEO attracts the right audience, and CRO ensures that this audience converts by providing a seamless, optimized experience. When it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), there are key signals you and your team need to be on the lookout for when it seems like your last mile has slowed down. There can often be a disconnect between driving traffic to a website and converting that traffic into customers.

In this post, we discuss SEO. In our next post, we’ll discuss CRO and last-mile conversions in more detail.

Specifically, some of the common signals and metrics to pay attention to regarding your SEO efforts are your keyword rankings, organic traffic, and time spent on your webpage. Changes in these metrics can indicate a need to adjust your strategy. For example, if you’re getting a ton of traffic to your content pages and they’re engaging but not making a purchase, perhaps the keywords you’re using to attract traffic aren’t honed to your specific product/audience. Here’s more on how SEO can impact last-mile conversions and how you can improve your strategy:

  • Keyword Optimization: You can ensure that the traffic you’re attracting to your website or landing page is the right traffic by refining your keyword selection to be more specific to what your target audience might be using to search for products or services you offer.
  • Informative and Authoritative Content: Once users find your website with your keyword strategy, high-quality, informative content builds trust and keeps potential customers engaged, moving them closer to conversion. Improving your content quality and relevance and properly optimizing your content (check out our blog post here for more on how to do this) can make a big difference in fixing last-mile conversions. Read more about our SEO best practices for copywriting.
  • User Experience: Your website usability has a huge impact on last-mile conversions! Imagine landing on a website for a product you’re ready to purchase, but the load time is so long, or the transaction process has glitches – you’re not as likely to go through with the purchase or become a return customer. Ensuring fast load times and a mobile-friendly design improves user experience, which can reduce bounce rates and increase the likelihood of conversion.

If you want to discuss this topic further, contact us!

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